The Metal Closures Plastisol is a PVC-Based compound with whitish or yellowish color . The compound is cured through a baking process and is used as a sealing gasket. It is usually applical to the inside of metal closure or bottle caps prior to curing process. Post-curing the compound ensure a hermetic seal. The components used in this product meet the requirements of GB9685, and the cured meets the hygiene standard GB4806.7-2016.Therefore, after curing, this product is safe to be contacted with the food contents.
Due to the different types of equipments, cap sizes and container contents, this product is further divided into many models.a

Packaging is split into 2 options: 20kg pails / 220kg steel drums
1. For equipment: automation injection machine.
2. Dispense locations: insides of metal caps, such as three, four or six lug caps, bucket cover, crown cap, screw cap, bird's nest cap, PT cap, wine glass cap.
1. Recommended storage temperature is between 7°C and 35°C.
2. Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources
3. Users should adopt the First in, First out warehouse practice for this product
4. The shelf life is 9 months from the manufactured date under recommended conditions.
Additional Remarks
Please contact with our technical personel for correct choise of the compound for your specific needs.
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